New software release for radar and ECDIS

At the beginning of July, Anschütz will release a new software version of its radar and Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) bridge navigation systems. The changes contribute to a further simplification of operation and a higher degree of safety of the bridge system.

In addition to the implementation of the IACS cyber security standards UR E26 & E27 and an extension of the ECDIS functionality, many elements of the user interface have been further developed to achieve an even better user experience as well as a more simplified and safe operation.

In particular, the enhancements meet the requirements of the latest display standard IEC 62288 Edition 3 (‘Presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays’). In addition to stricter test and performance requirements, this also provides the standardisation of icons, symbols and labels – specifically for the improved presentation of automatic identification system information, safety-related messages and aids to navigation.

Of course, Anschütz implements the improvements in all bridge navigation systems, following a holistic approach towards its user interfaces throughout its product portfolio. This enhances the safety of navigation and simplifies the operation of the navigation systems through improving the display of navigation information and promoting integration and interoperability.

With the ECDIS NX, Anschütz offers a modern and intuitive ECDIS that has been specially designed to meet the requirements of navigators. With a modular range of functions, the ECDIS fulfils basic IMO requirements as well as requirements for special applications, e.g. in the offshore sector, for coastguards or navies. ECDIS NX is scalable from a cost-effective stand-alone solution with a panel PC for retrofitting purposes to advanced multifunctional systems.

Radar NX is the powerful radar application from Anschütz. In addition to an excellent target display, the radar offers a true 360° radar video merge and various special functions such as alarm zones and helicopter guidance. Third-party applications can be integrated via a standardised Asterix interface. As Naval Radar NX, the system offers unique features in the combination of navigation and surveillance tasks.