Standard 30 MF

Standard 30 MF

Maintenance-free gyrocompass

The Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope (HRG) is a high-performance angular rate sensor. The Anschütz Standard 30 MF Gyrocompass is a maintenance-free gyrocompass based on this HRG technology. It provides a multitude of features and is easy to integrate into the most varied system environments in newbuild and refit projects. The Standard 30 MF is available as a standalone system or as part of an advanced heading management system.


High accuracy & reliability

Standard 30 MF uses superior and durable HRG technology, proven in more than 500 compass systems. Its ultra-robust design ensures high accuracy over its lifetime without drift (MTBF > 100,000 hrs). It provides heading output even if speed and latitude input fail – a significant advantage over other compass systems.


Standard 30 MF is highly cost-effective over its entire lifetime. The simple design makes it extremely reliable with no wear and tear and no need for maintenance. Standard 30 MF is based on robust sensor vibration technology (instead of light sensitive sensors) and it is less complex than other strapdown compasses, resulting in a long lifetime and a long-term high stability.


  • No maintenance, high cost-effectiveness over entire lifetime
  • High accuracy of 0.25° sec Lat.
  • Speed/latitude error correction
  •  CAN bus based real time network with up to 400m cable length
  • Settling time of only 30 minutes, settles at rough sea states
  • Heading sensor, ROT and MRU in one (roll and pitch output), reduces investment and maintenance cost
  • Webserver functionality for configuration, software updates and diagnosis
  • Approved as gyrocompass, gyrocompass for high-speed crafts and rate-of-turn gyro
HRG technology

Strapdown technologies (i.e. known from Fibre Optic Gyrocompasses (FOGs)) have recently become more popular because they are maintenance-free. Standard 30 MF is a maintenance-free gyrocompass based on HRGs. HRG is a high-precision gyrocompass technology based on a rotating quartz crystal in a hemispherical chamber. HRGs are widely known from space and air applications but have meanwhile also proven as a robust and reliable navigation solution for marine gyrocompass applications. They are less complex in design, consist of fewer components and do not require calibration, which is why they offer high stability and an exceptionally long service life.

This can be illustrated quite simply using the example of a wine glass which is stimulated by the tapping of a fingertip. In the HRG this is done via electrodes.

Electrodes excite the resonator with a certain frequency which results in a stationary vibration pattern. Compared to the example, a finger strike sets the glass into vibration and makes a sound which can even be heard a few seconds later. Seen from the top, the vibration pattern can be identified by four points along the ring of the glass that are moving the most – the so-called antinodes. The HRG measures this movement through pick-off electrodes.

If the glass is rotated around its axis, the vibration pattern also rotates, but not as much as the glass does. The standing wave lags behind and the inertness of this pattern is based on the Coriolis force effect. This pattern shift is also caused by vessel movement. The vibration frequency, higher than the vessel’s vibration spectrum, remains unaffected. The movement is again measured by pick-off electrodes, providing a simple and accurate way to sense rotation, as the degree of the lag is proportional to the ship’s angular rate.


Modular system architecture

A modular product range enables different system configurations – from a single compass up to a multi-compass system consisting of magnetic compass, Standard 22 NX, Standard 30 MF and redundancy in distribution. The integration into the heading management system is realised through redundant CAN bus interfaces. Heading management systems offer further benefits, including added safety.

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Interfaces & standards

3x serial inputs for position, speed and Bridge Alert Management (BAM)
4x serial outputs for heading, rate of turn and BAM
1x analogue output for rate of turn for 30°/min, 100°/min or 300°/min
2x Ethernet interfaces for bridge systems such as radar and ECDIS

  • Ethernet communication according to IEC 61162-450
  • Cyber security requirements according to IACS UR E27
  • BAM communication according to IEC62923-1 and -2

    BAM: Alerts are prioritised and presented in a consistent manner on the operator unit. Standard 22 NX also allows to transfer the alerts to a central alert management display for a central alert presentation on the bridge. Alerts can be acknowledged bidirectionally.

Standard 30 MF standalone

The standalone system comes with 4 serial output interfaces and an analogue +/-10V interface for rate-of-turn information. Therefore, the Standard 30 MF can also be used as a rate of turn indicator (required for vessels above 50,000 GT). Speed and latitude are taken in as serial data. Automatic speed/latitude error correction are standard features.

Standard 30 MF heading management system

This system allows the connection to up to 3 gyrocompasses (or 2 gyrocompasses and 1 GNSS compass) and integrates a magnetic compass. In addition to the 4 serial outputs of Standard 30 MF, 12 outputs for the connection of heading receivers such as repeaters, autopilots, radars and others are available. Sensors are selected with the operator unit. The threshold for a heading difference between different compasses can be defined by the user and is continuously monitored. Thanks to the CAN bus, the wiring effort between the compass components is reduced to a minimum.

Standard 30 MF heading management system with redundancy in distribution

This system provides a redundancy of the distribution system in addition to the redundancy of compasses. No single failure in this configuration causes a loss of heading information to the connected heading receivers. Such a system (with two gyros) is compliant to the demanding class notations such as DNV NAUT-OSV/OC/AW, LR IBS or ABS NIBS.

Heading management system

Anschütz heading management systems combine Standard 30 MF and Standard 22 NX gyrocompasses in any combination and can also integrate third party compasses (up to three gyrocompasses, or two gyros and a GNSS THD, and a magnetic compass). Even existing gyrocompass installations can be easily expanded. Anschütz gyrocompasses are integrated via a standard CAN bus without the need for complex specialised integration electronics.

Smart features of the Anschütz heading management system:

Transmitting Magnetic Compass (TMC) path

The independent TMC path ensures that a failure in the gyrocompass system does not affect the processing of the magnetic heading. With this function, various flag state authorities no longer require an optical bypass for the magnetic compass onboard the vessel, resulting in cost savings for the shipyard and the ship owner.

Speed/latitude error correction

Speed and latitude data are provided by sensors or entered manually via the operator unit. The individual speed error correction function ensures that a failure in a log or GPS receiver only affects the heading of one gyrocompass. Thus, subsequent systems such as dynamic positioning systems can detect a heading error caused by an incorrect latitude or speed information at an early stage.

Automatic correction of magnetic heading variation

The system can correct the variation of the magnetic heading automatically when an RMC telegram is input from a GNSS receiver that contains the variation error. Benefit: automatic improvement of the magnetic heading accuracy and, thus, of the heading monitoring between gyrocompass heading and magnetic compass heading. 

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Crews on modern bridges can rely on helpful tools to compensate for GNSS loss.

HRG technology offers customers outstanding accuracy and reliability throughout the life cycle.


Additional system features and built-in redundancies increase reliability and safety.

Robust technologies and countermeasures ensure safe navigation at any time with Standard 22 NX and Standard 30 MF.

Anschütz presents a broad portfolio for sustainably reliable navigation and steering.

Anschütz delivers state-of-the-art navigation and bridge systems to innovative vessels.