Battery Monitoring System

Battery Monitoring System

Ship safety and battery care

The Battery Monitoring System (BMS) S520 is the central measuring and evaluation system for main batteries aboard submarines. It provides continuous health checks and supports decisions regarding the mission profile, ship safety and battery maintenance.


Safe submarine operation

The BMS supports mission planning through a permanent monitoring of each battery cell and the display of actual and precise data. Automated alarms and warnings as well as a watchlist for suspicious cells allow for an early identification of degradations.

Installation and maintenance made easy

Simplified planning and less efforts for installation, maintenance and refit: the BMS has a low mean time to repair and allows for an exchange of single sensors in case of failure. 


  • Current and complete battery status info at all times
  • Measurement of voltage and temperature
  • Directed maintenance indication
  • Decision aids for operational intents
  • Tremendously reduced cabling and installation effort
  • Reduced repair cycle time per sensor
  • Easy to integrate during overhaul


The BMS continuously indicates the most important data on the condition of the batteries and consequently supplies decision aids for operational and tactical intents. Featuring new wireless technology, the S 520 system measures voltage and temperature of every battery cell as well as the current of each partial battery. It calculates all relevant data of the complete battery bank such as battery power, discharged capacity and status of all battery cells. The control and display unit processes all data and displays the battery and system status.