Anschütz SST

Anschütz SST

Solid-state transceivers for marine radars

Marine radars are X-band or S-band radars on ships. They are used to detect other ships and land obstacles and provide bearing and distance for collision avoidance and navigation at sea.

The Anschütz SST solid-state transceivers distribute the raw radar video to an unlimited number of radar workstations on the bridge via Ethernet, providing high flexibility and performance.


  • Gigabit LAN video distribution
  • Raw radar video processing for high flexibility and optimised performance
  • Low peak power, high energy radiation
  • Fully coherent design 
  • Adaptive pulse train, allowing optimised energy transmission
  • Fully digital signal generation and processing 
  • Multi-user selectable frequencies
  • Low maintenance

The major advantages for customers are the added safety provided through optimised target detection under all environmental conditions, reliability thanks to the compactly designed transceiver, gearbox and antenna, and reduced lifecycle costs as a result of the drastically reduced need for maintenance (no magnetron).

Additionally, all transceivers integrate a continuous performance monitoring function. This function automatically measures transceiver performance and provides warnings at an early stage. Extended built-in tests, fault indicators as well as a new, removable tray for the complete electronics help speed up the servicing and exchanging of parts.