Gyro compass refit

Gyro compass refit
upgrade to latest gyro compass technology

Over the past decade, gyro compass technology and onboard infrastructure were continuously developed. A new gyro compass system helps to reduce regular maintenance and prevents unplanned downtimes. Refitting contributes to more efficient ship operation.

Key Benefits

Reduce maintenance cost and increase the lifetime of the system

  • Cost-efficient replacement of any old gyro compass
  • Existing repeaters, autopilots and other heading receivers (periphery) can remain on board
  • Existing cabling can be used
  • Minimum installation time
  • Even old gyro compasses with step and synchro output can efficiendtly be repalced with converters

What type of gyro compass needs to be replaced?

Anschütz gyro compasses offer a perfect match for a smooth refit of outdated, unreliable and failing gyro compass system from any maker. 

Gyro Compasses until end of the 1990s

Until the end of the 1990s gyro compasses with analog synchro or step interfaces for heading information were installed. These can be replaced by new compasses in combination with converter. The converter transforms the heading from modern compasses from serial data telegrams into synchro and step. Thus, the existing cabling and periphery, such as repeaters, can still be used.

Gyro Compasses after mid of the 1990s

Since mid of the 1990s gyro compasses with serial data (telegrams according to NMEA 0183 or IEC 61162-1) became more popular and are still sold. The Anschütz heading management system is perfectly prepared for the refit of such compasses. It is possible to replace only parts of a compass system or to integrate existing magnetic and gyro compasses to renew an existing compass system step by step. The existing periphery can continuously be used further on and thus the investment volume can be kept within a reasonable range.

Refit references

Anschütz replaced numerous gyro compasses from makers such as Yokogawa, Tokyo Keiki and Sperry, besides own legacy systems.

Standard 30 MF for Stena Danica

Stena Danica is one of the most prestigious and traditional RoPax ferries in Europe. Stena Line decided for a modernization of the existing gyro compass system with a maintenance-free system. Our service partner Syberg AS analyzed the existing system and set up a plan for a replacement that allowed to maintain the existing equipment on board. The installation of two Standard 30 MF gyros as well as a new heading distribution system was completed as planned and Stena Danica left Gothenburg for its evening voyage on schedule.

Refit of Sperry Gyro

Northern Juvenile is a 8,814 TEU container ship, managed by V.Ships of Hamburg, Germany. Anschütz technicians from the Shanghai Representative Office conducted the analysis of the existing system and peripherals as well as of required material and interfaces. The installation of two gyros as well as of an interface unit to the existing magnetic compass were handled lean and smooth during regular harbor stay. Back at sea, the gyro system has shown reliable and safe performance without need for unregular servicing.

Gyro refit for SuperStar Aquarius

Star Cruises started to investigate a modernization of the existing gyro compass system to maintain reliability at a predictable cost and to upgrade to the latest standards. The refit was done by Anschütz Singapore during regular docking. The most challenging part was understanding, tracing and labelling the old gyro system. Old converters and cables were removed, reducing the risk of failure or unplanned repair. The interfacing between existing navigational components and the new gyro became much easier and clearer.
